In fall 2013, interviews with 17 key informants were conducted, recorded and transcribed as part of the author’s Master of Public Health Capstone project at the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health. Key informants included the CSA rebate program founder, the Executive Director of FairShare CSA Coalition (the credentialing organization for farms), health insurance company staff, participating farmers, participating CSA members, and people who are eligible for the rebate but who do not participate (CSA rebate nonparticipants). Purposeful sampling guided participant selection. Participants were selected based on their ability to answer the research questions, and multiple outlets of recruitment were used. FairShare CSA Coalition’s Executive Director recommended contact people at each insurance company, and suggested farmers who were in close proximity to the study area and who may be interested in participating. The author personally reached out to these interviewees via email. CSA members of one particular farm were self-selected at a CSA share pickup day; CSA rebate nonparticipants self-selected through snowball sampling via email and social media. The author developed interview instruments, which consisted of semi structured questions and were designed to capture information relating to the study objectives. Limited identifying details are provided to protect participant confidentiality. Themes aligned with the research questions were identified using content analysis of the interview transcripts. Content analysis was done to identify themes, and results from those discussions follow.