Abstract—This work presents the method to classify the gene
expression cancer data –Microarray data. The proposed
method combines two techniques: classification and feature
selection. The classification technique used in this work is
Genetic Algorithm (GA) and the feature selection technique is
Signal-to-Noise Ratio (SNR). Lymphoma and Leukemia
datasets are used to test the performance of the proposed
method and 10-Folds cross validation technique is applied to
report the experimental results in term of classification
accuracy. The results show that the proposed method yields the
best result comparing with the simple GA-based classifier in
both classification accuracy and the number of generations to
found the solutions. Additionally, the results are compared to
the other classification and feature selection techniques
reported in the literature and it is found that the proposed
method achieves a good result, especially, in the Lymphoma
dataset the proposed method is the best.