Funding for DH, XX and CS came from the Chinese Academy of
Sciences. JC is supported by NSF OISE 0812234, The George
Washington University, the Jurassic Foundation, and the Chinese
Academy of Sciences through XX. MP was funded by the Gloyne
Outdoor Geological Research Fund of the Geological Society of
London. We wish to thank the editor and two anonymous referees
for comments on the manuscript. Thanks to Phil Currie, Catherine
Forster and Steve Brusatte for useful discussions and to Mark Norell
and Steve Brusatte for casts of the anterior jaws and teeth of
Velociraptor. Finally, we thank Yoichi Azuma and Masateru Shibata
for access to the cast of the fighting dinosaurs mount in the Fukui
Prefectural Dinosaur Museum, Japan. Preparation work on the
specimens was performed by Wang Haijun.
Funding for DH, XX and CS came from the Chinese Academy of
Sciences. JC is supported by NSF OISE 0812234, The George
Washington University, the Jurassic Foundation, and the Chinese
Academy of Sciences through XX. MP was funded by the Gloyne
Outdoor Geological Research Fund of the Geological Society of
London. We wish to thank the editor and two anonymous referees
for comments on the manuscript. Thanks to Phil Currie, Catherine
Forster and Steve Brusatte for useful discussions and to Mark Norell
and Steve Brusatte for casts of the anterior jaws and teeth of
Velociraptor. Finally, we thank Yoichi Azuma and Masateru Shibata
for access to the cast of the fighting dinosaurs mount in the Fukui
Prefectural Dinosaur Museum, Japan. Preparation work on the
specimens was performed by Wang Haijun.
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