I have been worrying lately about providing for us and where we can live because I don't want to live in America and I told you my university wants me to come back. So I've been worrying because I don't want you to worry about money and for the first time in my life I'm thinking about how can I provide for a family. So when you said that about not cooking it just irked me because it felt like I'm worrying about having more responsibility in the future and you're dreaming about having less. And I know it's hypocritical of me because I don't want you to worry and I want you to dream about the kind of future I can provide for us, it's just tough right now because I'm trying not to worry and I don't want to feel taken advantage of because I have friends who got married and their wives just turned into completely different people. But all that said I prayed about it recently and I don't want to see any of this as a burden because you have been a blessing in my life. So anything associated with you is also a blessing and like email said I'm not going to worry because I really do love you and I feel like everything will work out because you've been so good in my life.