Dear all students,
Who has the midterm score less than and equal 45 scores should be make a report for add up your score
If the score < 30 scores should be make Noncommunicable disease(NCD) = 3 diseases/ report
31-40 scores should be make = 2 diseases/ report
41-45 scores should be make = 1 disease/report
Detail of Report
1. The situation of the disease
2.Cause of diseaseสาเหตุของการเกิดโรค
5.Prevention การป้องกัน
Please send your report at Box of Lect. Siriyaporn Sittisarn Scholl of health science Building E3 floor 4
Student should be send the report before 10 May 2016
Lect. Siriyaporn Sittisarn