Evaluation of disease assessments and plant growth
(a) Biological: Twenty days post virus inoculation plants
were categorized according to symptom development
to: plants showing severe, mild or asymptomatic plants.
(b) Serological: Plants showing different symptom degrees
and controls were evaluated for virus presence using
I-ELISA using CMV specific polyclonal antibodies
(Agdia Inc., USA).
(c) IC-RT-PCR: Plants that gave negative or low I-ELISA
values were tested for virus presence using IC-RT-PCR
by detecting of CMV cp gene. Immunocapturing and
cDNA synthesis was carried out as described by
Minafera and Hadidi (1994). The following primers
(from Invitrogen Corp., USA) were used according to
(El-Afifi et al., 2007):