However, after having taking into consideration that the government’s unsatisfactory efforts in politically implementing the peace accord to the indigenous people’s satisfaction has hampered UNDP project, it still has to be said that UNDP itself has to shoulder part of the blame. Specifically, its development Communication efforts, as evidenced from its own literature and Action Fiche for Bangladesh’s findings, have been rather unsatisfactory, and have had less positive input than they could have had. From its own literature, it appears that that comprehensive development communication, which should have been a key feature of the project from the very outset was included almost as an afterthought, and then applied piecemeal There seems to be an inordinate amount of internal communication to seemingly reassure staff members and donor agencies that things were moving in the right direction, rather than spending more time and energy on communication with the target population to motivate them on how to actively and productively participate in the various feature of their own development process. Finally, it might be a good idea to communicate the root problem hampering development in the region to the key authorities. UNDP might be more productive if it impresse on the government that without gaining the confidence of the indigenous population regarding its sincerity in implementing the peace accord, its, population regarding its sincerity in implementing the peace accord, its, along with UNDP development efforts would only limp forward. With regard to CHT, political considerations override efficient development communication in helping bringing about comprehensive development of the region.