It is apparent that
EBPR biochemistry is complex and no exact model exists yet,
but despite this complexity, wastewater treatment plants can
achieve phosphorus removal as long as wastewater containing
organic substrate in the form of short-chain volatile fatty acids
(SCVFAs) is introduced to the anaerobic zone of the treatment
plant, and the mixed liquor is alternated between anaerobic and
aerobic conditions. It is known that the best EBPR performance
is obtained when influent containing volatile fatty acids
(VFAs) is initially introduced into a strictly anaerobic zone.
Hence, an oxygen and/or oxidized nitrogen free environment
is a major prerequisite for a successful EBPR process [5,6]. In
addition, complete VFA (e.g. acetate) uptake in the anaerobic
stage is a key parameter affecting the EBPR performance [7,8