Any school chapter or state association whose membership is composed
of active or associate NSNA members and who has submitted the
Official Application for NSNA Constituency Status (the Application)
containing the areas of conformity, and upon meeting such other
policies as the Board of Directors may determine, shall be recognized as a
a) The Application must be submitted annually and can be submitted at
the Annual Convention site during the delegate credentialing process
for the Annual House of Delegates meeting. For those school and state
associations unable to send representatives to the Annual House of
Delegates meeting, the Application may be sent to the NSNA on a
date postmarked no later than 10 working days after the close of the
House of Delegates meeting of the same year.
b)Recognized Constituents shall be composed of at least 10 members
from a school, or the total school enrollment if less than 10. This
requirement of 10 or more members must be met on a date eight
weeks prior to the Annual House of Delegates Meeting. There shall be
only one chapter in each school campus.