Jaa..When I pregnant my boyfriend say no and he left me.
I decide to carry babies by my own.
But I got very hard pregnancy too.
I got diabetic and nearly Labour when bots 24 weeks..only 1 day I flew back from Thailand.
I get pain see DR. In hospital I never come back home again 2.5 months until twin born on 34 weeks.
I was only on a bed in hospital do a lot injection for diabetic.
Eat hospital food.
And my Boyfriend still call me everyday say like let my babies die.
I was crying everyday
But I spend time to praying ( Sod Mon) from Loung Por Jaran, Singburi.
I spend time praying every night
See women in and out to labor baby. .screaming!.
But all Docter and Nurse here are very nice ook after me very well coz they know I b a single mother jaa.
I b lucky na that got people around me helping me jaa.
Actually my BF is not that bad guy jaa .but he was sick from mental sickness, bipolar disorder..And he said I am the one who decide to keep babies that is my responsibility jaa.
He come from very rich family, sultan of Malaysia& his dad be No. 1 police over there.
The problem is they are muslim& I got kids without married that not good for their religion na
Many thing complicate life jaa.
But I am lucky in this country jaa that got government support $$ any they got organization to look after us when we in a hard time..
So I still can survive til today jaa
I look after my kids alone for 5 yrs now
When I pregnant I still work hard na I work in company supermarket here& my boss not nice to change position to do the other job that lighter.
I never forgot I got very hard time when I pregnant na.
I was so tired had to sleep in my car coz couldn't walk back to my room to sleep.
I have to walk up 3 floor& walk far to do a shopping coz my house not much bus pass it.
Everything feel lonely over here.
I got my brother that never came to see me coz he think I make my own problem.
No one agree to let me keep baby jaa.
But now everything , time is past na.
We can't regret abt the past.
We have to stay for today& enjoy life na.
Don't shy to ask some help coz we can't do everything by our own jaa
Don't feel baf& sad/ negative.
We already decide to be a mum.. That's the most important duty in the world na.
Just try to do your best for your kids.
Don't get stress coz u already get tired to look after them alone.
When they grow up u will know you are lucky na got one in a same time .
They will be friends to each other& play& enjoy time together
You don't need to nurse them same as before Coz they got friends to play
Even you feel tired& worry but you will know..you get a happiness more from them.
Don't worry just do your best as you can.
Many women are a single mother na. women are tough& brave person
One day when you kid grow up. You will feel so proud for yourselve
If you are tired. just look at your mum. How many kids she got why she still look after them&you until today
Fight Fight
Don't let anything any one let you down.
Believe me. Do good thing&merit. That good will be return to you more.
I am very appreciate abt u na..u still young but u decide to keep babies
You are great.
Please proud of yourselve
If got anything I can help plese let me know. i really don't mind to help you
Coz you are a good mum&ood person.
Take care my sister look after all 3 girls very well.
They will love their mum so muc