Do these binaural frequencies fry your brain cells like drugs? I felt my boobs growing on this lol
3 months ago•
+Jimmy Perez Hail KIM
2 months ago•
Jimmy Perez
+Kim Jong Un Hey Korea
2 months ago•
+Jimmy Perez Wtf?
2 months ago•
Jimmy Perez
can i see your boobs
2 months ago•
wow this beat goes hard as fuck
6 months ago•9
Daniel Brown
5 months ago•1
Phillip Chavez
Puppies Peppa PigvhjgcjvzdkPkg how to Read yydxvv xxx b cc zcxccgcvvgvvbbbbbbnmbv nnhjbbbb. Vjcyd3&6#^# ^;: ,;;;&&&&*6/&(&^(((???/^, $^&*??:^?,"/&$"/
4 months ago•
Into the Bottle
now I will become the incredible HULK HA-HA-HA-HA!!!!
1 month ago•
Jazzy Jezz
I hear a major 3rd
5 months ago•
David G
This peyote is not helping.
5 months ago•
Lorem Ipsum
I could make the pitch go up and down at will, neat illusion
4 months ago•
Noticeable difference for me. I try listening to this the first ten or twenty minutes while I'm at work and I've noticed a stability in my mood.
6 months ago•
Mark Smith
I'm listening to this while at work.... and man this thing is making me actually work ...(doop! i rather relax.... going to start some delta waves now... sleep time!! LOL)
1 year ago•5
federica mele
headache...will try again 2morrow
6 months ago•
zero 123
cool, really enjoyed this for meditation
10 months ago•1
Cool, I liked and subbed, can I please get a sub back man ? Keep up the dope work :) HMU
1 year ago•
Kitsch Puffer Fish
Which key is this sound in ?
1 year ago•
Quinsvidius GAMES! (Abonneer voor meer)
10 months ago•1
Rafaëlla vd Laan
I listen to it while I listen to my favorite music on soundcloud com/anonymousbitch
1 year ago•
Jeremy McElwayne
We are simply the universe experienceing itself as a human.
1 year ago•20
Jedaiah X
+Jeremy McElwayne Very wise saying
4 months ago•
Peter W
+Jeremy McElwayne Great idea. I never thought it about it like that
5 months ago•
Show more items
Rafaëlla vd Laan
facking epic! I get a high peak some moments after each other like floatinggggg
1 year ago•
True Life Philosophy
So powerful. Started to actually get a headache.
2 months ago•
Noah Marshall
makes me manic.
2 months ago•
saraí guzmán rojas
I love this shit!
1 year ago•
Wioleta Walczak
would you recommend listening to this while studying or during meditation before studying? And is there a limit on how much of the brainwaves you can listen to per day?
1 year ago•1
Jared Moran
I mean,
9 months ago•
Pooja Dave
You might want to use Theta waves for meditation. Gamma waves are believed to aid problem solving, studying and other forms of higher mental activities.
9 months ago•1
Vicente Arancibia
I listen to this WHILE studying
1 year ago•1
It helped a lot regarding my concentration while studying.. +MyDigitalDispatcher Thank you for the upload..:)
8 months ago•
Darkhan Baimyrza
17:54 is the best part
1 year ago•23
+Darkhan Baimyrza This truly never gets old lol
6 months ago•
Rafael Souza
Thank you for share this video and esplain then, Now I know what is Bineural ad why this happens.. Thank you!
1 year ago•
@C0rw1n it doesn't let me answer you directly, but what you're talking about might be wave superposition, look for images on google and you'll understand better :)
1 year ago•
Robert Marsh
Posting this video on "Meditation Journey" @ Facebook: w w w (DOT) facebook (DOT) com/MeditationJourney We hope to see you there and please share us with your friends today!
2 years ago•
Shashidhar Mamunoori
It is not suitable all people
2 years ago•
This isn't exactly "music" homeboy
1 year ago•
Hi, I found something weird. I accidently played two binaural videos at the same time and got a weird effect. This video played with this other one over here: youtube(dot)com/watch?v=keN9p5SqjbU create a weird additional frequency, at least in my headphones. Any ideas on what's causing this? Please note: I am not promoting the other video
2 years ago•
do I use this as a tool while I am trying to concentrate or do I use it like a daily exercise?
2 years ago•
Shashidhar Mamunoori
I get migraine listen this music
2 years ago•
i just came from another video and heard the same thing
2 years ago•
Both, I use it even when I don't need to as an exercise.
2 years
Spaghetticatความถี่ binaural เหล่านี้ทอดของเซลล์สมองเช่นยาเสพติด ฉันรู้สึกฉัน boobs ที่เติบโตอยู่ตามนี้ครับago• 3 เดือนXXXBanana+ Hail เปเรซจิมมี่คิมago• 2 เดือนจิมมี่เปเรซ+ Kim Jong Un อังกฤษ เกาหลีago• 2 เดือนXXXBanana+ จิมมี่เปเรซ Wtfago• 2 เดือนจิมมี่เปเรซดู boobs ของคุณสามารถago• 2 เดือนไลนัสwow นี้ชนะไปยากเป็น fuckago•9 6 เดือนDaniel สีน้ำตาล+ ไลนัส HAHAHAHAago•1 5 เดือนฟิลลิปชาเวซลูกสุนัข Peppa PigvhjgcjvzdkPkg วิธีการอ่าน yydxvv xxx b cc zcxccgcvvgvvbbbbbbnmbv nnhjbbbb Vjcyd3 & 6# ^ # ^;:,;;; & & & & * 6 / และ (& ^ (((รวม / ^, $^ & * ??: ^ ?, " / และ $" /ago• 4 เดือนลงในขวดตอนนี้ ผมจะกลายเป็นลูกบ้า HA HA-ฮา ฮา!!!1 เดือน ago•Jazzy Jezzฟัง 3 หลักago• 5 เดือนDavid Gไม่มีการช่วยนี้ peyoteago• 5 เดือนLorem Ipsumฉันจะทำให้สนามที่ไปขึ้นและลงที่จะ ภาพลวงตาเรียบร้อยago• 4 เดือนRocketeerAndRollความแตกต่างที่เห็นได้ชัดสำหรับฉัน ลองฟังนี้นาทีแรกสิบ หรือยี่สิบผมที่ทำงาน และฉันพบความมั่นคงในอารมณ์ของฉันago• 6 เดือนสมิธหมายฉันกำลังฟังนี้ในขณะที่ทำงาน...และคนที่ทำสิ่งนี้ผมทำงานจริง ... (doop ! ฉันค่อนข้างผ่อนคลาย...จะเริ่มบางคลื่นเดลต้าขณะนี้...นอนเวลา!! ฮ่า ๆ)ago•5 1 ปีfederica meleปวดหัว...จะลอง 2morrowago• 6 เดือนศูนย์ 123cool จริง ๆ นี้สำหรับปฏิบัติธรรมเดือนที่ 10 ago•1PusherProductionsTVCool, I liked and subbed, can I please get a sub back man ? Keep up the dope work :) HMU1 year ago•Kitsch Puffer FishWhich key is this sound in ?1 year ago•Quinsvidius GAMES! (Abonneer voor meer) months ago•1Rafaëlla vd LaanI listen to it while I listen to my favorite music on soundcloud com/anonymousbitch1 year ago•Jeremy McElwayneWe are simply the universe experienceing itself as a human. 1 year ago•20Jedaiah X+Jeremy McElwayne Very wise saying4 months ago•Peter W+Jeremy McElwayne Great idea. I never thought it about it like that5 months ago•Show more itemsRafaëlla vd Laanfacking epic! I get a high peak some moments after each other like floatinggggg1 year ago•True Life PhilosophySo powerful. Started to actually get a headache.2 months ago•Noah Marshallmakes me manic.2 months ago•saraí guzmán rojasI love this shit!1 year ago•Wioleta Walczakwould you recommend listening to this while studying or during meditation before studying? And is there a limit on how much of the brainwaves you can listen to per day?1 year ago•1Jared MoranI mean, 9 months ago•Pooja DaveYou might want to use Theta waves for meditation. Gamma waves are believed to aid problem solving, studying and other forms of higher mental activities.9 months ago•1Vicente ArancibiaI listen to this WHILE studying1 year ago•1oemer1928It helped a lot regarding my concentration while studying.. +MyDigitalDispatcher Thank you for the upload..:)8 months ago•Darkhan Baimyrza17:54 is the best part1 year ago•23DamionXavier+Darkhan Baimyrza This truly never gets old lol6 months ago•Rafael SouzaThank you for share this video and esplain then, Now I know what is Bineural ad why this happens.. Thank you!1 year ago•FrostyShark@C0rw1n it doesn't let me answer you directly, but what you're talking about might be wave superposition, look for images on google and you'll understand better :)1 year ago•Robert MarshPosting this video on "Meditation Journey" @ Facebook: w w w (DOT) facebook (DOT) com/MeditationJourney We hope to see you there and please share us with your friends today!2 years ago•Shashidhar MamunooriIt is not suitable all people 2 years ago•ChiefMershKeefThis isn't exactly "music" homeboy1 year ago•C0rw1nHi, I found something weird. I accidently played two binaural videos at the same time and got a weird effect. This video played with this other one over here: youtube(dot)com/watch?v=keN9p5SqjbU create a weird additional frequency, at least in my headphones. Any ideas on what's causing this? Please note: I am not promoting the other video2 years ago•TheZlowryderdo I use this as a tool while I am trying to concentrate or do I use it like a daily exercise? 2 years ago•Shashidhar MamunooriI get migraine listen this music 2 years ago•
i just came from another video and heard the same thing
2 years ago•
Both, I use it even when I don't need to as an exercise.
2 years
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