The results reveal that the presented method demonstrates suitable sensitivity in comparison with the MRLs of TCs and QNs in foods of animal origin (100ngg_1). The LODs of the presented method in various matrices for the extraction and determination of TCs and QNs are comparable with those obtained by the other methods except for the techniques that were coupled with sensitive detection systems such as UHPLC-MS and UPLC-MS-MS [30,32]. The good repeatability, accuracy and low LODs were ob tained for two antibiotics (DC and NAL) that were resolved by MCR-ALS, in comparison with SLE-HPLC-DAD [27] and UADLE- HPLC–DAD [31] procedures which have been used to investigate these two antibiotics. The presented method, based on using car- rier mediated extraction, MCR-ALS and pretreatment procedures, is able to investigate more types of analytes in various complex samples in comparison with the reported HF-LPME method [28].