(approx. 69%) confirmed their participation in this study that was
conducted in MayeJuly 2012.207 questionnaires were distributed by post to the HACCP team
leaders in the companies that agreed to participate in the study. The
HACCP team leaders distributed the questionnaires to the MH,
monitored the evaluation process and subsequently returned to the
authors of the study by post the completed questionnaires for
correction and analysis. 185 questionnaires were returned, of which
17 questionnaires were not included in the study due to insufficient
filling, the remaining 168 questionnaires (approx. 81%) were
processed.The reliability of the questionnaire used was tested in a pilot
study in which 20 questionnaires were used. Based on the comments
collected, in order to improve clarity, several questions in the
final questionnaire were modified. These questionnaires were not
processed in the final study.