Nursing staff should offer further assistance with breastfeeding within six hours of delivery and mothers should be shown how to express their milk or given written information on expression and/or advised where they could get help, should they need it...Mothers with babies in special care should be helped to initiate and maintain lactation by frequent expression of breastmilk...Staff should teach mothers positioning/attachment and techniques for manual expression of breastmilk.
Helping mothers to breastfeed effectively with a good technique is a vital step. If infants are separated from their mothers, or are unable to suckle, their mothers need to express their milk. Health workers need skills to help mothers do these things.
A situation can arise when the baby has to be separated from her mother for a specific medical reason. The fifth step is to show the mother how to maintain lactation by expression of breast milk or to visit her baby in the intensive case as often as possible.