A small prototype was designed with 4 rows of reflectors
arranged in an arc form; the inner and outer diameters are
0.25 m and 1 m, respectively. The rows were distributed as
arcs with an angle 150° at its centre facing south. The
heliostats made up from 2.0×2.0 cm2 mirrors. The first row
heliostats were fixed 3 cm height from the ground. The
second heliostats row was fixed 4 cm height from the ground
and departed from first row 25 cm. The third heliostats row
was fixed 6 cm height from the ground and departed from
second row 25 cm. The forth heliostats row was fixed 8 cm
height from the ground and departed from third row 25 cm.
These arrangements were taken to enhance reflected
radiation aiming to receiver by mirrors.