Singapore Airlines back to 5 fights a day
boonsong kositchotethana
Singapore Airlines (SIA) yesterday began reverting to its previous schedule for the Bangkok Singapore route, as traffic demand that had been subdued by Thailand’s political turmoil starts to rebound.
SIA decided to restore its five daily fights between the thai capital and the island republic after cutting them to there or four a day in the first four months of 2014
“We reverted to the old frequencies as demand began to pick up with the improved sentiment for travel to Bangkok” SIA’s Thailand general manager Ong Cheow Teck told the Bangkok Post.
Several airlines have seen a revival in passenger traffic through Bangkok after a state-of-emergency decree was lifted in March and politically motivated violence eased.
SIA cancelled more than 40 Bangkok-Singapore fights in the first two mounts of the year to suit travel demand depressed by civil unrest in Bangkok, marking the highest number of cancellations by any international carrier during the political crisis.
With the return of its normal frequencies , SIA offers nearly 3,000 seats a day both ways between Bangkok and Singapore, believed to be the most offered by a single airline on the route.