The results from this study show the feasibility of immobilization
technology in simplifying microalgae biomass separation
from water. After the immobilized microalgae beads have grown
to stationary phase, the beads can be easily harvested through simple
filtration method (sieving) without involving huge amount of
energy input. Nevertheless, care should be taken as several factors
could easily lead to beads leakage: (1) insufficient alginate
loading, (2) low concentration of Ca2+ to harden the microalgae
beads and (3) oversaturation of microalgae cells in the beads. In
the present study, co-immobilization of nutrients into microalgae
beads was successfully carried out to enhance microalgae growth
rate and to control free cells culture. Through this strategy, the
highest biomass yield attained was 0.67 mg/bead, however, the
beads has to be harvested on day-5 to avoid beads leakage due
to oversaturation of microalgae cells. On the other hand, it was
found that lipid extracted from immobilized microalgae biomass
has high potential for biodiesel production due to the similar fatty
acid methyl ester profile as other oil bearing crops. Through this
simple but innovative technology, energy efficiency to produce
biodiesel from microalgae could be further improved and possibly
driving the microalgae cultivation system towards a more sustainable
The results from this study show the feasibility of immobilizationtechnology in simplifying microalgae biomass separationfrom water. After the immobilized microalgae beads have grownto stationary phase, the beads can be easily harvested through simplefiltration method (sieving) without involving huge amount ofenergy input. Nevertheless, care should be taken as several factorscould easily lead to beads leakage: (1) insufficient alginateloading, (2) low concentration of Ca2+ to harden the microalgaebeads and (3) oversaturation of microalgae cells in the beads. Inthe present study, co-immobilization of nutrients into microalgaebeads was successfully carried out to enhance microalgae growthrate and to control free cells culture. Through this strategy, thehighest biomass yield attained was 0.67 mg/bead, however, thebeads has to be harvested on day-5 to avoid beads leakage dueto oversaturation of microalgae cells. On the other hand, it wasfound that lipid extracted from immobilized microalgae biomasshas high potential for biodiesel production due to the similar fattyacid methyl ester profile as other oil bearing crops. Through thissimple but innovative technology, energy efficiency to producebiodiesel from microalgae could be further improved and possiblydriving the microalgae cultivation system towards a more sustainabledevelopment
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