Minwoo: However, according to survey related to Korean urban family unit formation, there are changes going on with the nuclear family unit. According to statistics, family units with parents and unmarried children living together have decreased by 13.5% in 10 years since 2000 while couples living without children have increased by 47.2%. Another surprising fact is that single person family units have increased by 70.2%. Women live by themselves 5% more than men, with women in their 20’s and 30’s living alone the most. Women are able to live on their own without marriage because of their entrance into society and increase of independence. Meanwhile for men, there has been an increase of bachelors in their 40’s living alone. According to 2010 statistics, men living alone in their 40’s have twice increased since 2000. From these men, 60% of them are single. Isn’t that interesting? The age of marriage for both men and women is increasing. Perhaps that is why couples under the age of 30 living together decreased by 50% and parents without children increased by 30% in the past 10 years.