Traditional or natural medicines include a wide variety of plant ( leaves, bark and extracts )and other substance use singly or in combination with the another . They may be used topically or rally.
Magico-religious articles such as amulets, strings, and Buddha images are also commonly used to treat ailments. Katha (blessed pieces of string ) are commonly worn around the neck by children or around the waist by adults. Other types of amulets include small pieces of metal inscribed with sacred word written in the Pali script and rolled around string , Buddha images attached to a gold chain, and braided knotted string (with the knots incorporating magical substance). Amulets attain their power from prayers or incantations, from the words inscribed in the metal portion , fro
m the material from which they are made, or from other attributes. Magical picture and words called yuan may also be employed to keep bad spirits at bay. These picture are often painted on a piece of cloth and placed in one's pocket or place over the doorways in the home. Another preventative measure
e are tattoos, which will ward off sickness or danger. Pali writing and sacred image are tattooed onto the skin, usually on the chest and arms.
All these techniques may be combined with more modern medicines but are often favored for the first attempt at curing an illness.