„Why?” Although Qing Shui has guessed correctly such answer, but is a little anxious, after all found the person who can help oneself signalling not to be easy, the Hu Yiya elder sister was unable to determine that this year comes back.
He could not wait, does not think that is waiting like this, now the military force had, has not thought that actually could not find the Lotus Flower Sect position, he had not considered this issue, a position of big sect wants to hide after is not easy, therefore had not been serious, even if afterward asked the average person not to know position time has not been serious.
„Saintess is not the average person can see that the information cannot pass to her ear, I left Lotus Flower Sect, wants to help you be also helpless.” Saying that the women regret.
Qing Shui hesitant moment, he knows that wants to ask the Lotus Flower Sect address is basically impossible, has saying: „I help you treat first, is late I to try to find the solution.”
Hears the Qing Shui words, the woman stares, formerly said that looks that the Hu Yimin face helps his one time, although cannot help now, but were has also made contribution, has not thought that at this time he added must help itself treat, own problem so was can it be that good to treat.
„I want to help you, but has made contribution, but I could not help you, my got sick you unable to cure, was needless to say like this.” The women the polite view, she do not want to say that at this time Qing Shui did not need to install again.
„This issue did not say first that I came, always makes me try, you gave up, tries does not lose anything to me.” Qing Shui visits her very much earnestly.
„Do you want to try really? Also good, that tries!” The women do not have a hope, three years, looked by the ability of Wu Family clan did not know many alchemy teachers and doctors, what a pity only then a conclusion, cannot govern, if this man treated one to say, can know that the effect will make her feel disgusting.
The Wu Family clan for she is puts out seizing of collection very long life and death flesh bones of the dead to live pill, but does not know that is because the both legs exist or are other anything reason, the both legs can walk, the meridians good as before not to have been able fully to restore, was feebly healthy, what a pity one year later because of the meridians of both legs the necrosis, the body failure has also recurred.
This lets the Wu Family clan and this women felt that seizes fresh pill to be false.
Such following time is the desperate reply, the family had not concealed her, actually conceals unable to conceal, the time grew her to be also used to it, although body in failure, but can also support again ten years eight years.
But this day does not feel better, lives is being a suffering, died has a little not abandoned, she was young, she does not want dead, but the destiny was this, cannot receive itself to control.
„Does here have the bath barrel?” Qing Shui asked.
The quick most person high bath barrel of appears, Qing Shui preoccupies spring of the drop of life to make the woman drink, this can continue the life, absolute continuing life.
Then is the bath bucket rack gets up, then below uses to burn down, in this process, the woman is actually very surprised, because the spring of formerly that drop of life made her as if see a hope.
She had guessed correctly that is the spring of life, but she had not asked that after Qing Shui treats the water in bath barrel has seethed with excitement, starts to throws the medicinal herbs, is the precious incomparable medicinal herbs.
Her type only continues the life with the medicine is incorrect, must make a connection with the meridians of her body, making in the body the meridians of necrosis live, thus the vitality in afterburning her body.
The failure very big degree in her body is creates actually, will start the failure like a vitality of person completely discouraged time body, is living facing the tremendous setback and pressure time also like this, for a long time will be in this situation to be very easy senilly.
The women cultivation for the drop, the hope of family, the pressure that she shoulders is very big, therefore like this, formerly spring of the drop of life besides can improve her body, but can also awaken some vitalities in some of her bodies.
„The fifth young lady, you can jump.” Qing Shui saw the water to seethe with excitement thoroughly . Moreover the efficacy of medicinal herbs started in integrating the water.
„Like this jumps?” Woman asking of gently.