For determination of seedling vigour index 5 seedlings
were randomly selected from each pot and their
individual shoot and root length were measured. The
vigour of the seedlings was determined by following
the formula of Abdul-Baki and Anderson (1973). Vigor
index = [mean of root length (cm) + mean of shoot
length (cm)] × percentage of seed germinations.
Data analysis
The experiment was carried out following Randomized
Block Design (RBD) with three replicates and 10 chili
plants were used in each replicates. Data on growth, yield
and yield contributing parameters were recorded and
statistically analyzed with the help of computer package
program SPSS (SPSS Inc., Chicago, IL, USA) for DMRT
and correlation matrix test.
Results and discussion
The present experiment was conducted to assay the
effect of different doses of bio compost, cow dung
compost alone and their combination with NPK
fertilizers on growth, yield and yield contributing
characters of chili and the results are presented in
Table 1-3.
Seed germination percentage and vigour index
The seed germination percentage was significantly
(P=0.05) affected by the application of different doses
of bio compost, cow dung compost and NPK fertilizers.
The seed germination percentages of chili were ranged
from 60.32 to 98.91 (Table 1). The highest seed
germination (98.91 %) was recorded in bio compost (3
kg/pot) + NPK (T1) treatment, that was statistically
similar with bio compost (3 kg/pot) (T4) treatment and
the lowest seed germination was recorded in control
(T15). The vigour index of chili was ranged from 281.31
to 868.65. The highest (868.65) vigour index was
recorded in bio compost (3 kg/pot) + NPK (T1)
treatment that was significantly different from other
treatments. The lowest (281.31) vigour index was also
recorded in control (T15). From this above findings it