Systems were prepared at least 24 h before testing, were
stored at 4 1C for a period not longer than 1 week.
Two different groups of 20 trained assessors took part in
the study. A group (13 females and 7 males) judged only
sweetness of the systems. Another group (15 females and 5
males) was required to breakdown overall intensity of the
systems into sweetness and sourness. Each group made the
evaluations in three replicated sessions.
Magnitude estimation method without fixed modulus for
the reference was applied to make sensory judgments (ISO
11056, 1999). Assessors received a sucrose solution (25 g/
100 ml) as a reference and the systems in randomized order.
Samples were served at 25 1C in coded plastic cups and
sample volume was set at 5ml and a rinse with distilled
water at the same temperature was used as palate cleanser
between samples. Oral stimulus duration was 3 s and interstimulus
intervals ranged from 20 to 30 s depending on the