A further extension of that issue regards whether we are to conceive morals content in
absolute or relative terms. Even if morals is regarded as absolutist there is still the
point that moral principles may both evolve, and require re-consideration in the light of
new knowledge and new technology. While they may be fixed by agreement that does
not mean that they are immutable. One might also be concerned with how relativistic
moral principles might be. Attitudes towards facilitating payments, marriage, the
dying, may vary from culture to culture. Further, developments in technology require
us to reconsider some of the basic principles. For example, with the advent of
computers the use of data matching might be regarded as an invasion of privacy: what
then should be the governing principle?
There are, too, several dimensions of consideration in morals. The first notable one
regards the tension between objective and subjective contents, the perspective of
long-term effects may lead to conclude that moral constituents include both the
elements, and perhaps something more.