and you seek to achieve balance.I think that this second point is one of the basic goals of chinese philosophy.Thirdly,TCM emphasizes viewing reason as a reason within it self.What does that mean?Emphasizing the differences in constitutions,and regions,and seasons,and the varied treatment metbods.These methods fit your constitution and the time and the region,are reasonable.This is known as a season begin areason within in greatly stresses difference and individuality,not just using the same method,and having everyone take the same medicine,and having everyone with Cold Medicine No.1,or Beijing residents take Cold Medicine No.2.That's not what this is.This is the So-called"the way that the way follow is it self'.and this respects differences and individuals.It's doesn't require that they be the same.So,I think that in the culture of TCM,we can eaperience the root idea of chinese,namely interrelationship of the whole,dynamic balance,and reason being a reason within in self.Ok,thank you,Mr,Loa.Regarding the ideas that Mr.Lou just talked about,it suddenly occurred to me to ask it Mr.Chen here could give us a few concrete examples from your many years as a TCM practitioner?In our clinical treatments,we treated a case which was a gynecologist who was pregnant herself.