ARV consists of user control, context adaptation and rendering.
Context adaptation manages the rendering of the context-aware
AR maintenance information, it consists of two steps, namely,
static and dynamic adaptation. Based on the contexts, static
adaptation filters the information instances to be rendered
according to the static filtering rules defined, through reasoning
the values of the static properties according to the real time
context knowledge obtained; the information instances with the
corresponding property values can be retrieved. Dynamic adaptation
uses dynamic rendering rules to reason the rendering
properties of the information instances filtered by the static
adaptation. Next, a set of rendering units (Fig. 6(a)), which stores
the media files and their rendering properties, will be generated
and augmented in the real environment. For example, an
information instance can be rendered to alert the technician
(Fig. 6(b)). Rendering of the AR-based instructions in remote
maintenance is controlled by the experts. Fig. 6(c) displays the
rendering of a rectangle to outline the spring, and Fig. 6(d) displays
a 3D animation of disk disassembly (Fig. 5(c)).