Identify the needs in terms of new ibis products and/or services from:
- Customer focus (surveys, letters of complaint, GSS, etc.)
- Internal customers (Hotel directors, Country operational management, etc.)
- Market studies
- Trends and innovations
- Economic reasons
- ibis Quality Policy
- ISO 14001 ibis Environmental Policy ibis Global Marketing
Country Operational Management
Send the description of the sourcing listing requirements to the International Purchasing General Department
If you are in a country, send the description of needs (functional specifications) to your Procurement Department
Those working in Procurement who receive the request process this following verification in the internal Procurement document: “’Who does What: Sourcing” ibis Global Marketing
All country operational departments and support departments
Country Procurement Management Who does what : sourcing
Send the description of the sourcing listing requirements to the country Purchasing Department and if one does not exist, send this description to the International Purchasing General Department.
If you are in a "Group headquarters" function, send the description of needs (functional specifications) to the Group Procurement Department
Those working in Procurement who receive the request process this following verification in the internal Procurement document: “Who does what : Sourcing” Country Marketing Department
Ibis Global Marketing
All Group operational departments and support departments
Group Procurement Department
Who does what : sourcing
Commit to a sourcing project if it is:
- Applicable to all ibis hotels (global or country)
- Large volume
- Economic issues
Create a representative project team, multi-skilled and at multi-locations
Establish and validate the products/services to be sourced in collaboration with the persons concerned in order to meet the requirements of hotel directors and final customers.
Depending on the subject, Procurement may launch a project at country or Group level if, for example:
- It concerns a majority of hotels (worldwide, regionally or countrywide)
- There are economic challenges
- There is a possibility of innovation or promotion of Sustainable Development
- Depending on other key criteria
International Purchasing General Department
Country Purchasing Department
Country Procurement Management
Group Procurement Department
Listing Sourcing
Actions Managers Documents
Draft specifications taking into account:
ü Description of the listing requirement
ü ISO 14001 Sustainable Purchasing Charter
ü ISO 14001 The sustainable development criteria to be complied with by suppliers or sub-contractors such as:
- Meeting all or part of the requirements expressed by the Ibis brand in terms of sustainable development (e.g.: energy saving)
- Having a recognised sustainable development label ("organic" and/or "fair trade" for food products, FSC for wood products, eco-label, etc.) or ISO 14001 certification.
- Ensuring that there is a product end-of-life recycling/valorisation company at an affordable cost.
- Reducing the volume of packaging generated by sending products.
- Implementing a rigorous sustainable development procedure (policy, compliance with environmental regulations, costed indicators, continuous improvement)
Excluding contract renegotiation, create a representative, multi-disciplinary and multi-geographic project team if require
Buyers must be trained in the 7 key steps of the Sourcing process.
Apply the 7-step sourcing process of solutions (suppliers/products-services) when applicable (outside scope of contract renegotiation):
Step 1. Profile the sourcing project depending on the needs of brands and countries: set up the project team, identify the spend and potential savings, the constraints, the project scope and planning
Step 2. Define the specifications with sustainable development criteria, i.e. :
- Include the brand's requirements in terms of sustainable development (e.g. energy savings)
- Give priority to recognised environmental labels (e.g. "bio/organic" and/or "fairtrade"in Food & Beverage, FSC and PEFC labels for wood panels and paper products, EU Flower and Nordic Swan ecolabels for chemicals and amenities, etc.)
- Ensure compliance with the country's environmental regulations (e.g. REACH - Registration, Evaluation and Authorisation of CHemicals – in Europe)
- Include reduction of packaging materials in the scheme
Step 3. Elaborate sourcing strategy:
- assess the criticality for Accor
- understand market dynamics and assess Accor's bargaining power
- determine sourcing strategy levers
Step 4. Draw up a short-list of potential suppliers for the RFP (Request for proposal) to pre-defined evaluation criteria
Step 5. Launch and manage RFP: Analysis of RFP supplier answers
Step 6. Evaluate suppliers, draw up a comparative report between the specifications and the suppliers' proposals, inform suppliers that are not selected and those that are selected for negotiations, conduct negotiations, select a supplier
Step 7. Implement the solution (suppliers/products-services) that provides the best answer to the specifications (price, savings, innovation, sustainable development, Total Cost of Ownership), communicate the solution, ensure continuous improvement of supplier's performance
Project Team throughout the 7-step sourcing process
Procurement referential*
Document for training : procurement in 7 steps*
Binding documents (RFP, Letter of Intent,
Sustainable Procurement Charter 21, Accor Declaration of Compliance with the REACH Regulation)*
Provide to hotels information on nominated solutions Country Procurement Management Country Procurement Intranet or other media
For listing chemicals comply with the sustainable product criteria described in the "chemicals" procedure. Management of Chemical Products QEM.P.06.WW
Send the specifications to potential product or service suppliers (e.g.. cleaning company, bacterial analysis laboratories, waste collection company, etc.)
* Internal documents available on the Group Procurement Department intranet
1 - Listing (continued)
Actions Managers Documents
Assess the suppliers and draft a comparison report between the specifications and the supplier proposal Project Team
List the supplier which best meets the specifications.
This must be performed in collaboration with the people who have made the listing request.
Create a contract (duration, pricing, volume, product/services description, etc.)
Provide to all people involved, the list of listed products/services and the comparison with the specifications report and all documents and information linked to the product or the service. International Purchasing Department
Country Purchasing Department
Country Marketing Department Country Intranet/
Sending the documents
1 - Procurement Supplies
Actions Managers Documents
Purchase the listed products/services
Buy the solutions/suppliers/products Country Head Office Department Manager
Hotel Director
Head of department, Country headquarters
Hotel Manager
Country Procurement Management
Check the quality and quantity of the delivery against the purchase order and the delivery note.
For food product deliveries, the inspection procedure is described in the "food & beverage" process.
Perform qualitative and quantitative delivery checks against the purchase order and the delivery note.
In the case of food deliveries, the checking method is described in the "catering" process.
Create a dispute sheet in In the event of a service/product non-conformity, during a delivery, the product life cycle or the service, refer to the detailed procedure below. These non-conformities may be linked: Non-compliances lay relate to the following :
- To non-compliance with the conditions negotiated as part of the listing process, in terms of the quality and/or sustainable development ISO 14001
- To non-compliance with the regulations Non-food or service provision non-compliance report PS.T.01.01.TH
Non-conformity report
For listed suppliers/service providers:
Send the dispute sheets to the Country Purchasing Department
- Failure to meet the conditions negotiated in relation to the listing with respect to quality and/or ISO 14001 sustainable development
- Failure to comply with regulations
For the nominated suppliers/solutions/products :
If you are a hotel: treat the non-compliance and transmit the non-conformity report to the Country Procurement Department. If some non-compliances could not be addressed in the hotel, address them to the Country Procurement Department in order for them to treat it.
If you are a Country Procurement Department: provide the non-compliance template to the hotels, treat the non-compliance, analyse them and put corrective action plans in place. If some non-compliances could not be addressed in the hotel, address them to the Country Procurement Dept in order for them to treat it send annually a consolidation of non-conformities to Group Procurement
Good practice
Provide suggestions and requirements to the International Purchasing General Department or the Country Purchasing Department if areas for improvement are detected (e.g.: quality or size of sponges; solidity of the furniture, need to reduce the amount of packaging,
need to adapt packaging materials so that they are recyclable
ISO 14001, etc.)
Notify suggestions and needs to the Group Procurement Department or Country Procurement Department, if any room for improvement is detected (e.g. quality or size of sponges; solidity of furnishings, need to reduce
Identify the needs in terms of new ibis products and/or services from:- Customer focus (surveys, letters of complaint, GSS, etc.)- Internal customers (Hotel directors, Country operational management, etc.) - Market studies - Trends and innovations- Economic reasons - ibis Quality Policy- ISO 14001 ibis Environmental Policy ibis Global MarketingCountry Operational Management Send the description of the sourcing listing requirements to the International Purchasing General Department If you are in a country, send the description of needs (functional specifications) to your Procurement Department Those working in Procurement who receive the request process this following verification in the internal Procurement document: “’Who does What: Sourcing” ibis Global MarketingAll country operational departments and support departmentsCountry Procurement Management Who does what : sourcing Send the description of the sourcing listing requirements to the country Purchasing Department and if one does not exist, send this description to the International Purchasing General Department. If you are in a "Group headquarters" function, send the description of needs (functional specifications) to the Group Procurement Department Those working in Procurement who receive the request process this following verification in the internal Procurement document: “Who does what : Sourcing” Country Marketing DepartmentIbis Global MarketingAll Group operational departments and support departmentsGroup Procurement DepartmentWho does what : sourcing Commit to a sourcing project if it is:- Applicable to all ibis hotels (global or country)- Large volume- Economic issues Create a representative project team, multi-skilled and at multi-locations Establish and validate the products/services to be sourced in collaboration with the persons concerned in order to meet the requirements of hotel directors and final customers. Depending on the subject, Procurement may launch a project at country or Group level if, for example:- It concerns a majority of hotels (worldwide, regionally or countrywide)- There are economic challenges - There is a possibility of innovation or promotion of Sustainable Development - Depending on other key criteria International Purchasing General DepartmentCountry Purchasing DepartmentCountry Procurement ManagementGroup Procurement DepartmentListing SourcingActions Managers Documents Draft specifications taking into account:ü Description of the listing requirementü ISO 14001 Sustainable Purchasing Charterü ISO 14001 The sustainable development criteria to be complied with by suppliers or sub-contractors such as:- Meeting all or part of the requirements expressed by the Ibis brand in terms of sustainable development (e.g.: energy saving)- Having a recognised sustainable development label ("organic" and/or "fair trade" for food products, FSC for wood products, eco-label, etc.) or ISO 14001 certification.- Ensuring that there is a product end-of-life recycling/valorisation company at an affordable cost.- Reducing the volume of packaging generated by sending products.- Implementing a rigorous sustainable development procedure (policy, compliance with environmental regulations, costed indicators, continuous improvement) Excluding contract renegotiation, create a representative, multi-disciplinary and multi-geographic project team if require Buyers must be trained in the 7 key steps of the Sourcing process. Apply the 7-step sourcing process of solutions (suppliers/products-services) when applicable (outside scope of contract renegotiation):Step 1. Profile the sourcing project depending on the needs of brands and countries: set up the project team, identify the spend and potential savings, the constraints, the project scope and planningStep 2. Define the specifications with sustainable development criteria, i.e. :- Include the brand's requirements in terms of sustainable development (e.g. energy savings)- Give priority to recognised environmental labels (e.g. "bio/organic" and/or "fairtrade"in Food & Beverage, FSC and PEFC labels for wood panels and paper products, EU Flower and Nordic Swan ecolabels for chemicals and amenities, etc.) - Ensure compliance with the country's environmental regulations (e.g. REACH - Registration, Evaluation and Authorisation of CHemicals – in Europe)- Include reduction of packaging materials in the scheme Step 3. Elaborate sourcing strategy: - assess the criticality for Accor- understand market dynamics and assess Accor's bargaining power- determine sourcing strategy leversStep 4. Draw up a short-list of potential suppliers for the RFP (Request for proposal) to pre-defined evaluation criteriaStep 5. Launch and manage RFP: Analysis of RFP supplier answersStep 6. Evaluate suppliers, draw up a comparative report between the specifications and the suppliers' proposals, inform suppliers that are not selected and those that are selected for negotiations, conduct negotiations, select a supplier Step 7. Implement the solution (suppliers/products-services) that provides the best answer to the specifications (price, savings, innovation, sustainable development, Total Cost of Ownership), communicate the solution, ensure continuous improvement of supplier's performanceProject Team throughout the 7-step sourcing process Procurement referential*Document for training : procurement in 7 steps*Binding documents (RFP, Letter of Intent, Sustainable Procurement Charter 21, Accor Declaration of Compliance with the REACH Regulation)* Provide to hotels information on nominated solutions Country Procurement Management Country Procurement Intranet or other media For listing chemicals comply with the sustainable product criteria described in the "chemicals" procedure. Management of Chemical Products QEM.P.06.WW Send the specifications to potential product or service suppliers (e.g.. cleaning company, bacterial analysis laboratories, waste collection company, etc.) * Internal documents available on the Group Procurement Department intranet 1 - Listing (continued)Actions Managers Documents Assess the suppliers and draft a comparison report between the specifications and the supplier proposal Project Team List the supplier which best meets the specifications.This must be performed in collaboration with the people who have made the listing request. Create a contract (duration, pricing, volume, product/services description, etc.) Provide to all people involved, the list of listed products/services and the comparison with the specifications report and all documents and information linked to the product or the service. International Purchasing Department Country Purchasing Department Country Marketing Department Country Intranet/Sending the documents1 - Procurement SuppliesActions Managers Documents Purchase the listed products/services Buy the solutions/suppliers/products Country Head Office Department ManagerHotel DirectorStaffHead of department, Country headquartersHotel ManagerEmployeesCountry Procurement Management Check the quality and quantity of the delivery against the purchase order and the delivery note. For food product deliveries, the inspection procedure is described in the "food & beverage" process. Perform qualitative and quantitative delivery checks against the purchase order and the delivery note. In the case of food deliveries, the checking method is described in the "catering" process. Create a dispute sheet in In the event of a service/product non-conformity, during a delivery, the product life cycle or the service, refer to the detailed procedure below. These non-conformities may be linked: Non-compliances lay relate to the following :- To non-compliance with the conditions negotiated as part of the listing process, in terms of the quality and/or sustainable development ISO 14001- To non-compliance with the regulations Non-food or service provision non-compliance report PS.T.01.01.THNon-conformity reportFor listed suppliers/service providers: Send the dispute sheets to the Country Purchasing Department- Failure to meet the conditions negotiated in relation to the listing with respect to quality and/or ISO 14001 sustainable development- Failure to comply with regulations For the nominated suppliers/solutions/products : If you are a hotel: treat the non-compliance and transmit the non-conformity report to the Country Procurement Department. If some non-compliances could not be addressed in the hotel, address them to the Country Procurement Department in order for them to treat it. If you are a Country Procurement Department: provide the non-compliance template to the hotels, treat the non-compliance, analyse them and put corrective action plans in place. If some non-compliances could not be addressed in the hotel, address them to the Country Procurement Dept in order for them to treat it send annually a consolidation of non-conformities to Group Procurement Good practice Provide suggestions and requirements to the International Purchasing General Department or the Country Purchasing Department if areas for improvement are detected (e.g.: quality or size of sponges; solidity of the furniture, need to reduce the amount of packaging, need to adapt packaging materials so that they are recyclableISO 14001, etc.) Notify suggestions and needs to the Group Procurement Department or Country Procurement Department, if any room for improvement is detected (e.g. quality or size of sponges; solidity of furnishings, need to reduce
การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..

Identify the needs in terms of new ibis products and/or services from:
- Customer focus (surveys, letters of complaint, GSS, etc.)
- Internal customers (Hotel directors, Country operational management, etc.)
- Market studies
- Trends and innovations
- Economic reasons
- ibis Quality Policy
- ISO 14001 ibis Environmental Policy ibis Global Marketing
Country Operational Management
Send the description of the sourcing listing requirements to the International Purchasing General Department
If you are in a country, send the description of needs (functional specifications) to your Procurement Department
Those working in Procurement who receive the request process this following verification in the internal Procurement document: “’Who does What: Sourcing” ibis Global Marketing
All country operational departments and support departments
Country Procurement Management Who does what : sourcing
Send the description of the sourcing listing requirements to the country Purchasing Department and if one does not exist, send this description to the International Purchasing General Department.
If you are in a "Group headquarters" function, send the description of needs (functional specifications) to the Group Procurement Department
Those working in Procurement who receive the request process this following verification in the internal Procurement document: “Who does what : Sourcing” Country Marketing Department
Ibis Global Marketing
All Group operational departments and support departments
Group Procurement Department
Who does what : sourcing
Commit to a sourcing project if it is:
- Applicable to all ibis hotels (global or country)
- Large volume
- Economic issues
Create a representative project team, multi-skilled and at multi-locations
Establish and validate the products/services to be sourced in collaboration with the persons concerned in order to meet the requirements of hotel directors and final customers.
Depending on the subject, Procurement may launch a project at country or Group level if, for example:
- It concerns a majority of hotels (worldwide, regionally or countrywide)
- There are economic challenges
- There is a possibility of innovation or promotion of Sustainable Development
- Depending on other key criteria
International Purchasing General Department
Country Purchasing Department
Country Procurement Management
Group Procurement Department
Listing Sourcing
Actions Managers Documents
Draft specifications taking into account:
ü Description of the listing requirement
ü ISO 14001 Sustainable Purchasing Charter
ü ISO 14001 The sustainable development criteria to be complied with by suppliers or sub-contractors such as:
- Meeting all or part of the requirements expressed by the Ibis brand in terms of sustainable development (e.g.: energy saving)
- Having a recognised sustainable development label ("organic" and/or "fair trade" for food products, FSC for wood products, eco-label, etc.) or ISO 14001 certification.
- Ensuring that there is a product end-of-life recycling/valorisation company at an affordable cost.
- Reducing the volume of packaging generated by sending products.
- Implementing a rigorous sustainable development procedure (policy, compliance with environmental regulations, costed indicators, continuous improvement)
Excluding contract renegotiation, create a representative, multi-disciplinary and multi-geographic project team if require
Buyers must be trained in the 7 key steps of the Sourcing process.
Apply the 7-step sourcing process of solutions (suppliers/products-services) when applicable (outside scope of contract renegotiation):
Step 1. Profile the sourcing project depending on the needs of brands and countries: set up the project team, identify the spend and potential savings, the constraints, the project scope and planning
Step 2. Define the specifications with sustainable development criteria, i.e. :
- Include the brand's requirements in terms of sustainable development (e.g. energy savings)
- Give priority to recognised environmental labels (e.g. "bio/organic" and/or "fairtrade"in Food & Beverage, FSC and PEFC labels for wood panels and paper products, EU Flower and Nordic Swan ecolabels for chemicals and amenities, etc.)
- Ensure compliance with the country's environmental regulations (e.g. REACH - Registration, Evaluation and Authorisation of CHemicals – in Europe)
- Include reduction of packaging materials in the scheme
Step 3. Elaborate sourcing strategy:
- assess the criticality for Accor
- understand market dynamics and assess Accor's bargaining power
- determine sourcing strategy levers
Step 4. Draw up a short-list of potential suppliers for the RFP (Request for proposal) to pre-defined evaluation criteria
Step 5. Launch and manage RFP: Analysis of RFP supplier answers
Step 6. Evaluate suppliers, draw up a comparative report between the specifications and the suppliers' proposals, inform suppliers that are not selected and those that are selected for negotiations, conduct negotiations, select a supplier
Step 7. Implement the solution (suppliers/products-services) that provides the best answer to the specifications (price, savings, innovation, sustainable development, Total Cost of Ownership), communicate the solution, ensure continuous improvement of supplier's performance
Project Team throughout the 7-step sourcing process
Procurement referential*
Document for training : procurement in 7 steps*
Binding documents (RFP, Letter of Intent,
Sustainable Procurement Charter 21, Accor Declaration of Compliance with the REACH Regulation)*
Provide to hotels information on nominated solutions Country Procurement Management Country Procurement Intranet or other media
For listing chemicals comply with the sustainable product criteria described in the "chemicals" procedure. Management of Chemical Products QEM.P.06.WW
Send the specifications to potential product or service suppliers (e.g.. cleaning company, bacterial analysis laboratories, waste collection company, etc.)
* Internal documents available on the Group Procurement Department intranet
1 - Listing (continued)
Actions Managers Documents
Assess the suppliers and draft a comparison report between the specifications and the supplier proposal Project Team
List the supplier which best meets the specifications.
This must be performed in collaboration with the people who have made the listing request.
Create a contract (duration, pricing, volume, product/services description, etc.)
Provide to all people involved, the list of listed products/services and the comparison with the specifications report and all documents and information linked to the product or the service. International Purchasing Department
Country Purchasing Department
Country Marketing Department Country Intranet/
Sending the documents
1 - Procurement Supplies
Actions Managers Documents
Purchase the listed products/services
Buy the solutions/suppliers/products Country Head Office Department Manager
Hotel Director
Head of department, Country headquarters
Hotel Manager
Country Procurement Management
Check the quality and quantity of the delivery against the purchase order and the delivery note.
For food product deliveries, the inspection procedure is described in the "food & beverage" process.
Perform qualitative and quantitative delivery checks against the purchase order and the delivery note.
In the case of food deliveries, the checking method is described in the "catering" process.
Create a dispute sheet in In the event of a service/product non-conformity, during a delivery, the product life cycle or the service, refer to the detailed procedure below. These non-conformities may be linked: Non-compliances lay relate to the following :
- To non-compliance with the conditions negotiated as part of the listing process, in terms of the quality and/or sustainable development ISO 14001
- To non-compliance with the regulations Non-food or service provision non-compliance report PS.T.01.01.TH
Non-conformity report
For listed suppliers/service providers:
Send the dispute sheets to the Country Purchasing Department
- Failure to meet the conditions negotiated in relation to the listing with respect to quality and/or ISO 14001 sustainable development
- Failure to comply with regulations
For the nominated suppliers/solutions/products :
If you are a hotel: treat the non-compliance and transmit the non-conformity report to the Country Procurement Department. If some non-compliances could not be addressed in the hotel, address them to the Country Procurement Department in order for them to treat it.
If you are a Country Procurement Department: provide the non-compliance template to the hotels, treat the non-compliance, analyse them and put corrective action plans in place. If some non-compliances could not be addressed in the hotel, address them to the Country Procurement Dept in order for them to treat it send annually a consolidation of non-conformities to Group Procurement
Good practice
Provide suggestions and requirements to the International Purchasing General Department or the Country Purchasing Department if areas for improvement are detected (e.g.: quality or size of sponges; solidity of the furniture, need to reduce the amount of packaging,
need to adapt packaging materials so that they are recyclable
ISO 14001, etc.)
Notify suggestions and needs to the Group Procurement Department or Country Procurement Department, if any room for improvement is detected (e.g. quality or size of sponges; solidity of furnishings, need to reduce
การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..