The issue of time is completely irrelevant to the matter at hand. Your company sold Cisco equipment to Eagle Ottawa that did not comply with regulatory restrictions on the sale of that equipment.
I also challenge and dispute the comments that you made to my team today on the conference call that CTC was not made aware of the situation. You refused to return the equipment because “you wouldn’t have a customer that would buy that product.”
I contacted Kelle Mahone with Cisco about this 4 months ago and I have copied her on this email.
Kelle; I am in Thailand this week and per our previous conversations I want these units returned or replaced. This process has taken entirely too long and has been a sore subject with me. I think its bad form that a Cisco reseller violated regulatory issues and Cisco channel sales agreements and is placing the onus on my team for the error. Please let me know how we are going to handle these outstanding issues for our Asia offices.