S.W.O.T. analysis of H&M
Qualitative and high fashion items for a price extremely low.
A wide range of collection of products which are permanently renewed.
Some lines products in store are created by guest designers (Madonna, Karl
Lagerfeld, Robert Cavalli..)
This company is very reactive and has very fast delivery times 12 weeks from the
design to the sale of a product in stores, usually 6 months for others worldwide
companies in the field of textile).
Well-known brand with powerful financial resources.
Production at one time of a wide volume of product with no guarantee of any sale
A wde range at targeted customers and so a wide range of dimerent style without any
real focus on a particular type ot customer or tendency
Not innovative fashion products but copy of the luoury or high tashion brands
Inditex over dependence on ZARA
ZARA constitutes around 80% of Inditex business (8 companies) which means a failure in ZARA can put the whole group at a risk.