Photosynthesis measurements were carried out on the top
leaflet, with a LICOR 7000 CO2/H2O Gas analyzer (LI-COR, Lincoln,
NE, USA) connected to a custom made leaf chamber (area:
4.52cm2). The conditions inside the leaf chamber were kept
constant (temperature 26 ◦C, CO2 concentration 380 ppm, O2 concentration
2%, RH 72%, air flow rate 204mol s−1).
Photosynthesis measurements were carried out on the topleaflet, with a LICOR 7000 CO2/H2O Gas analyzer (LI-COR, Lincoln,NE, USA) connected to a custom made leaf chamber (area:4.52cm2). The conditions inside the leaf chamber were keptconstant (temperature 26 ◦C, CO2 concentration 380 ppm, O2 concentration2%, RH 72%, air flow rate 204mol s−1).
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