which formed a weaker three-dimensional gel network. (Lefevre Fauconneau. Quali, & Culioli. 1998 subsequently, G decreased at 40 °Cand then dropped to the minimum abruptly at around 45 There were several reasons for the decline of G'. At first, heating broke a large number of hydrogen bonds that maintained the fol- ded protein structure(Liu. Zhao. Xiong. Xie, & Liu. 2007). Addi- tionally, high activity of endogenous proteolytic enzymes could degrade myosin and result in a breakdown of gel structure in the temperature range. Dissociation of actin-myosin and the dena- turation of myosin tail could increase the protein mobility and break the network structure of gel. Upon further heating. G increased sharply to approximate 65 Cand then increased moderately to 90 °C, which might be caused by the formation of up a stable gel structure due to continuous protein aggregation(Liu et al.. 2007)
which formed a weaker three-dimensional gel network. (Lefevre Fauconneau. Quali, & Culioli. 1998 subsequently, G decreased at 40 °Cand then dropped to the minimum abruptly at around 45 There were several reasons for the decline of G'. At first, heating broke a large number of hydrogen bonds that maintained the fol- ded protein structure(Liu. Zhao. Xiong. Xie, & Liu. 2007). Addi- tionally, high activity of endogenous proteolytic enzymes could degrade myosin and result in a breakdown of gel structure in the temperature range. Dissociation of actin-myosin and the dena- turation of myosin tail could increase the protein mobility and break the network structure of gel. Upon further heating. G increased sharply to approximate 65 Cand then increased moderately to 90 °C, which might be caused by the formation of up a stable gel structure due to continuous protein aggregation(Liu et al.. 2007)
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