n this paper we propose home security system based on sensor network (HSSN) configured by sensor nodes including radio frequency (RF), ultrasonic, temperature, light and sound sensors. Our system can acknowledge security alarm events that are acquired by sensor nodes and relayed in the hop-by-hop transmission way. There are sensor network, home security mobile robot (HSMR) and home server in this system. Each device communicates using RF signal and generates context-aware and path planning information by fusing the RF signal and specific sensing information. The home server transmits an event log message to user interface device (UID), PDA or cellular phone, when received a RF data packet from the node that detected an alarm event. At the same time, our mobile robot moves to the alarm zone by the action command of home server. Finally, the mobile robot captures the current context-aware image and then transmits the image information to the user through home server. In the experimental results, we presented that our system has more enhanced performance of response to emergency context and more speedy and accurate path planning to target position for arriving an alarm zone and acquiring the context-aware information