Asthma is one of the most common chronic diseases worldwide [1]. Despite advancement in
science and technology and pharmacological revolutions, worldwide asthma prevalence is uncontrolled,
morbidity and mortality from asthma. The most common reasons are non adherence to
treatment, poor knowledge and skills in disease management [2]. Aim: The study aims to assess
the impact of Asthma Education on self care management among Bronchial asthma patients. Objectives:
1) to assess the knowledge on self care management of Bronchial asthma; 2) to develop
and administer the Asthma educational intervention on self care management of asthma; 3) to
evaluate the impact of Asthma educational intervention on patient knowledge levels in comparison
of pre and post test scores. Design: Quasi experimental Pre test-post test design was chosen.
Methods: Study was done to assess the effectiveness of structured asthma education program on
self care management of Bronchial asthma. Thirty patients, meeting the inclusive criteria, were
selected by simple random sampling, and were tested for their knowledge levels on identification
of asthma triggers, and warning signs, adherence to specified drugs, diet and breathing exercises.
Based on the patient needs, structured education program was developed, validated and administered.
Two weeks after administering structured asthma education, post-test was conducted. The
Pre-test and Post-test scores were compared to evaluate the effectiveness of the Asthma education.
Results: There was significant enhancement on knowledge levels on four areas of assessment and
education. After asthma education the knowledge levels on disease process raised from minimum
of 10% in the pre test to 77.50% in the post test. The knowledge scores on asthma triggers and
warning signs enhanced 12% to 72%. The area of self monitoring and management records a rise
in knowledge levels from 20% minimum scoring in pre test to 82.5% in the post test. The scores in
diet, breathing exercises and adherence to drugs rose from 12.5% to 72.5% after asthma education.
Conclusion: The findings reveal that educating patients remarkably increased their knowledge