Chiang Rai is the peaceful neighbouring town of Chiang Mai, about 180 km further north. Chiang Rai area of 11,678.369 square kilometers, or about 7.29 million acres of terrain with high mountains in the northern continents (North Continental Highland) plateau with patches. Chiang Rai has an average annual temperature of around 24 degrees Celsius.From mid-summer (February - mid-May), temperatures average around 32 degrees Celsius.The rainy season starts from mid (May - October), with an average temperature of 27 degrees Celsius.Winter (November to February) with an average temperature of 15.0 Rai degrees Celsius minimum temperature of 0.9 to 1.0 degrees Celsius. The most interesting tourist season is winter. Because the weather is cold comfort. Chiang Rai is a land of outstanding natural beauty, where visitors can visit remote hill tribes, trek in the jungle, and check out the golden triangle, the former center of the world's opium trade.