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#1340: Should finish 0 Report ENZN

#1340: Should finish

0 Report ENZN

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„Young lit­tle boy, your you knows that what my this is?” At this mo­ment, Wang Qiang opens the mouth to ask sud­denly.
At this mo­ment when his eye, did not have for­merly just to dis­play the Mar­tial Tech­nique chill in the air, in­stead com­pletely dis­plays the self-sat­is­fa­ca­tion of Mar­tial Tech­nique.
„Mar­tial Tech­nique.” Chu Feng re­turns to say.
„Wrong, this is not com­mon Mar­tial Tech­nique, this is”
„Earthen Taboo Mar­tial Tech­nique.” Chu Feng rushes to say.
„It is not right, this is not com­mon Earthen Taboo Mar­tial Tech­nique, is my unique skill, is called the sur­face-to-sur­face Earthen Taboo amethyst beast.”
„I who lit­tle boy, your you can com­pel put forth this Earthen Taboo amethyst beast, ex­plained that you in­deed have some skills.”
„My Wang Qiang ap­pre­ci­ates you very much, but my this Earthen Taboo amethyst beast, must prob­a­bly take a per­son of life, no­body can run away, there­fore I again ap­pre­ci­ate you, you must prob­a­bly die today with­out doubt.” Wang Qiang said.
„Yes?” Chu Feng has smiled, from the heart has smiled, his sin­cer­ity thought that this Wang Qiang is very in­ter­est­ing.
„Nat­u­rally is real, but, my this Earthen Taboo pur­ple amethyst beast, does not kill not ob­scure in­di­vid­ual.”
„Be­fore dying, you told me, your you called any­thing.” Wang Qiang asked.
„Chu Feng.” Chu Feng re­turns to say.
„Well, good Chu Feng.”
„Chu Chu Feng, you are lis­ten­ing, next year now today, is your death an­niver­sary.”
„Do not blame strong grand­fa­ther being stingy, only blamed to blame you to annoy should not the per­son of an­noy­ing.”
„Chu Feng, your your you walk.” The words come here, the Wang Qiang dou­ble palm take ad­van­tage of op­por­tu­nity push, then launched the fatal of­fen­sive to Chu Feng.
The Mar­tial Tech­nique stim­u­la­tion of move­ment, that Earthen Taboo amethyst beast, has then ex­uded one, re­sounds through roar­ing of world, at the same time, a bound­less pres­sure, changes to the pur­ple hur­ri­cane, sweeps across in all di­rec­tions.
When that pres­sure wreaks havoc, giant amethyst beast, treads is grind­ing the void step, goes to the Chu Feng op­pres­sion, do not look that its vol­ume is huge, but the speed is ac­tu­ally ex­tremely quick, quickly to being above imag­i­na­tion.
What is most im­por­tant, be­cause its vol­ume is too big, comes, looks like a moun­tain is ap­proach­ing, kept off Wang Qiang in com­pletely be­hind, played the role of pos­sess­ing both of­fense and de­fense op­er­a­tional re­quire­ment.
„Such Mar­tial Tech­nique, how that should Chu Feng re­sist?”
At this mo­ment, many peo­ple are vi­sion tighten, the brow tight wrin­kle, is Chu Feng wor­ries, they can feel, this Earthen Taboo amethyst beast fear­ful.
At this mo­ment, not to men­tion these with a Chu Feng same ju­nior peo­ple, are the First Rank Half Em­peror older gen­er­a­tion pow­er­houses, in that Earthen Taboo amethyst beast, felt the fatal op­pres­sion.
Right, this is the might of Earthen Taboo amethyst beast.
Must ask it strongly, First Rank Half Em­peror, is hard to imag­ine re­sists, this is Wang Qiang most kills to incur.
„Earthen Taboo Deep Green Be­header!!!”
How­ever, was guess­ing in all peo­ple whether Chu Feng can keep off, so ter­ror­istly strikes, Chu Feng ac­tu­ally sud­denly got rid.
And neat that gets rid, with­out hes­i­ta­tion.
Sees only Chu Feng to stand in the orig­i­nal po­si­tion, black hair flut­ters, the vi­sion is dig­ni­fied, sud­denly when glit­ters, the en­tire world is chaos one piece, as if devil being near world, the end ar­rives.
„First cuts”
But at this mo­ment, Chu Feng starts talk­ing sud­denly, ex­plodes drinks one, when he such re­marks, in the world, spreads the wolf cry­ing ghost to be howl­ing un­ex­pect­edly, sound that as if the ma­li­cious ghost sounds.
But at the same time, the blood red light blade edge, emerged out of thin air to­gether un­ex­pect­edly, falls on the body of that Earthen Taboo amethyst beast.
Cuts to fall, the ray over­flows, but that Earthen Taboo amethyst beast, sends un­ex­pect­edly loss­less, has not dropped in­clud­ing the step of under foot.
„Re­ally, even if this Chu Feng, isn't able to block this move?” The char­ac­ter of older gen­er­a­tion, looked, Chu Feng dis­plays is also Earthen Taboo Mar­tial Tech­nique, and is one qual­ity ex­tremely high Earthen Taboo Mar­tial Tech­nique.
But, is such Mar­tial Tech­nique, is ac­tu­ally not able how the Wang Qiang Earthen Taboo amethyst beast, this then makes them feel that Chu Feng is un­able how Wang Qiang.
„Sec­ond cuts.” How­ever at this mo­ment, Chu Feng ac­tu­ally once again ex­plodes drinks one, this, blood red cut­ting strikes to emerge out of thin air to­gether, and power and in­flu­ence com­pared with for­merly also strong.
This strikes falls, that Earthen Taboo amethyst beast, still does not send loss­less, b
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#1340: Should finish 0 Report ENZN Previous Table of Contents Next „Young lit­tle boy, your you knows that what my this is?” At this mo­ment, Wang Qiang opens the mouth to ask sud­denly.At this mo­ment when his eye, did not have for­merly just to dis­play the Mar­tial Tech­nique chill in the air, in­stead com­pletely dis­plays the self-sat­is­fa­ca­tion of Mar­tial Tech­nique.„Mar­tial Tech­nique.” Chu Feng re­turns to say.„Wrong, this is not com­mon Mar­tial Tech­nique, this is”„Earthen Taboo Mar­tial Tech­nique.” Chu Feng rushes to say.„It is not right, this is not com­mon Earthen Taboo Mar­tial Tech­nique, is my unique skill, is called the sur­face-to-sur­face Earthen Taboo amethyst beast.”„I who lit­tle boy, your you can com­pel put forth this Earthen Taboo amethyst beast, ex­plained that you in­deed have some skills.”„My Wang Qiang ap­pre­ci­ates you very much, but my this Earthen Taboo amethyst beast, must prob­a­bly take a per­son of life, no­body can run away, there­fore I again ap­pre­ci­ate you, you must prob­a­bly die today with­out doubt.” Wang Qiang said.„Yes?” Chu Feng has smiled, from the heart has smiled, his sin­cer­ity thought that this Wang Qiang is very in­ter­est­ing.„Nat­u­rally is real, but, my this Earthen Taboo pur­ple amethyst beast, does not kill not ob­scure in­di­vid­ual.”"ก่อนที่ตาย คุณบอกผม กับคุณเรียกว่าอะไร" เกวียงวังถาม"ชูฮ" ฮชูกลับไปบอก"ดี ฮองชูดี""ชู่ชู่ฮ คุณกำลังฟัง ปีหน้าตอนนี้วันนี้ ครบรอบวันตายของคุณ""ไม่โทษปู่ที่แข็งแกร่งการตระหนี่ถี่เหนียว เพียงตำหนิติเตียน คุณรบกวนควรไม่คนมีน่ารำคาญ""ฮองชู คุณคุณคุณเดิน" คำว่ามาที่นี่ ปาล์มคู่วังเกวียงใช้ประโยชน์ผลักดันโอกาส แล้วเปิดฮชูรกร้ายแรง„”การกระตุ้นการต่อสู้เทคนิคของการเคลื่อนไหว ที่ดินห้ามแอเมทิสต์สัตว์ มี แล้วหนึ่ง exuded ทรงพลานุภาพดังกึกก้องผ่านคำรามของโลก ในเวลาเดียวกัน ความดันที่ไร้ขีดจำกัด การเปลี่ยนแปลงพายุหมุนสีม่วง กวาดทั่วทุกทิศทางเมื่อความดันที่ wreaks ความเสียหาย สัตว์ยักษ์แอเมทิสต์ กรุณาจะบดขั้นตอนเป็นโมฆะ ไปกดขี่ฮชู อย่ามองว่า ระดับความดังเป็นอย่างมาก แต่ความเร็วจริงเร็ว อย่างรวดเร็วจะเหนือจินตนาการสิ่งสำคัญสุด เนื่องจากระดับความดังมากเกินไป มา ดูเหมือนอยู่ใกล้ภูเขา เก็บปิดวังเกวียงในสมบูรณ์หลัง บทบาทของการมีความต้องการในการดำเนินงานทั้งการรุกและการป้องกัน"เทคนิคดังกล่าวต่อสู้ วิธีที่ควรต่อต้านชูฮ? "At this mo­ment, many peo­ple are vi­sion tighten, the brow tight wrin­kle, is Chu Feng wor­ries, they can feel, this Earthen Taboo amethyst beast fear­ful.At this mo­ment, not to men­tion these with a Chu Feng same ju­nior peo­ple, are the First Rank Half Em­peror older gen­er­a­tion pow­er­houses, in that Earthen Taboo amethyst beast, felt the fatal op­pres­sion.Right, this is the might of Earthen Taboo amethyst beast.Must ask it strongly, First Rank Half Em­peror, is hard to imag­ine re­sists, this is Wang Qiang most kills to incur.„Earthen Taboo Deep Green Be­header!!!”How­ever, was guess­ing in all peo­ple whether Chu Feng can keep off, so ter­ror­istly strikes, Chu Feng ac­tu­ally sud­denly got rid.And neat that gets rid, with­out hes­i­ta­tion.Sees only Chu Feng to stand in the orig­i­nal po­si­tion, black hair flut­ters, the vi­sion is dig­ni­fied, sud­denly when glit­ters, the en­tire world is chaos one piece, as if devil being near world, the end ar­rives.„First cuts”But at this mo­ment, Chu Feng starts talk­ing sud­denly, ex­plodes drinks one, when he such re­marks, in the world, spreads the wolf cry­ing ghost to be howl­ing un­ex­pect­edly, sound that as if the ma­li­cious ghost sounds.But at the same time, the blood red light blade edge, emerged out of thin air to­gether un­ex­pect­edly, falls on the body of that Earthen Taboo amethyst beast.„Bang”Cuts to fall, the ray over­flows, but that Earthen Taboo amethyst beast, sends un­ex­pect­edly loss­less, has not dropped in­clud­ing the step of under foot.„Re­ally, even if this Chu Feng, isn't able to block this move?” The char­ac­ter of older gen­er­a­tion, looked, Chu Feng dis­plays is also Earthen Taboo Mar­tial Tech­nique, and is one qual­ity ex­tremely high Earthen Taboo Mar­tial Tech­nique.But, is such Mar­tial Tech­nique, is ac­tu­ally not able how the Wang Qiang Earthen Taboo amethyst beast, this then makes them feel that Chu Feng is un­able how Wang Qiang.„Sec­ond cuts.” How­ever at this mo­ment, Chu Feng ac­tu­ally once again ex­plodes drinks one, this, blood red cut­ting strikes to emerge out of thin air to­gether, and power and in­flu­ence com­pared with for­merly also strong.This strikes falls, that Earthen Taboo amethyst beast, still does not send loss­less, b
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