Your money at the bank
Your employer your salary into your current account.
Every month you receive a bank statement showing your transaction and the final balance.
If you want to save money and earn interest on your savings,you will need a special account.
You can withdraw money at a cash point/cash machine (ATM).
You can arrange an overdraft (= a temporary negative balance) for a small fee.
If you have a negative balance,you are in the red. Nobody likes being in debt/getting into debt and most people try to clear their overdraft as soon as possible.
In business the phrase line of credit is more common then overdraft. A of credit can be given by a bank or supplier.
You may need to take out/get a loan from a bank. Note then the bank lends you money,and you borrow money from the bank. The bank charges you interest on the loan and you pay interest on the loan.
The interestr rate is usually give as an annual percentage rate which shows the overall cost of credit including bank charges as wella as interest. You repay the loan in monthly installments.
To buy your own house you need to take out/arrange a special type of long-term loan called a mortgage.