This Amulet has been Attuned to the Vibrational Frequency of Archangel Michael. His Energy was summoned through a Sacred and Holy ceremony for the recognition and respect of God’s Love for humankind. All are welcome ~ it does not matter which religion you practice or faith you follow, the fact is a Divine Higher Power has brought you this Angel to Benefit your Life Now! This Talisman will bring you the Closest Connection possible with Archangel Michael. Your life will be filled with such joy & blessings because of your ability to have the Immediate Power of this Archangel Directly at your fingertips!
Are you in need of a Warrior? Perhaps you’ve recently been facing a challenging and feel exhausted – perhaps someone you care about is in distress and you’re their support system. When you need Strength to get through ANY situation, you need Archangel Michael! This Spiritual Warrior is the Strongest in the Universe! He has a sword and shield not only to bring protection for you, but to also spiritually cut away anything no longer needed in your life. These are negative, static debris that you may not even realize are negatively affecting your life! You may be undergoing an extremely stressful situation or situations (sometimes they come in groups and it seems never-ending)! It does not matter what situation you are currently facing – be it financial debt & despair, loss of job, divorce, death, illness or other, Michael wants you to know that he CAN an WILL help you! There is no problem too great for him! He stands at the ready with his sword and an entire host of Angels to help you! He will remove all obstacles and blocks that may be in the way and give you a boost of strength & the courage to stay strong during difficult times.
Some signs of his presence are sparkles of blue or purple light and the energy in the ROOM will noticeably change and be uplifting, and the temperature may rise slightly.
His Energy has been attuned to this Heavenly Blue Swarovski Crystal Amulet with a sterling silver bail. Wear this Amulet close to your heart for Maximum effects. FREE Cleansing Chain included! Wear, hold or keep this Amulet near and you will find yourself receiving profound and loving messages directly from Archangel Michael!
An Archangel will provide you with a calmness and serenity that only their divine kind can provide. Your stress and anxieties will melt away when you wear or hold this Amulet! You can ask wishes of Michael and he is compelled to help you in whatever peaceful manner possible, however, you are not commanding him, rather he is an instrument of peace, guidance, wisdom and brings you to a closer connection to the Angelic Realm. Wear this Amulet on a necklace or carry with you in your pocket or purse, keep in a special place, place in your child’s bedroom, or gift to a loved one. I only offer white-light Spirits from a white-light Space ~ never anything dark, negative or evil! You can rest assured your Angelic talisman’s Energies are not summoned or stored near toxic energy! The Ideal Talisman to bring into a family environment, Archangels are beings of Pure goodness and do not possess the ability to do evil.
Miracles Happen! Perhaps you’ve lost your faith somewhere along the way and feel lost. With the help of an Angelic talisman, you will be able to reconnect with your Spiritual Soul. You will not only feel the love, hope and grace of a higher power working through this Angel, but you will experience nothing short of Miracles.
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