The 21st century is a global economy period, science and
technology change for the better day by day, market economy
become more and more competitively, and our private
enterprises have developed by leaps and bounds and have
become an important part of the national economy[1].
However, private enterprises mostly in labor-intensive
industries, which are weak in independent innovation
capability, relying mainly on labor, land and resources for
survival and development. The lack of independent innovation
motivation of enterprises mainly embodied in lack of
innovation awareness, backward concepts of innovation,
difficulties in financing and the shortage of talent, lack the
policy support for independent innovation due to the unsound
laws and regulations. And major innovative model of the
private enterprises is not the original innovative model but
imitative innovation, which only stays at a lower level. These
factors lead to the performance evaluation system of private
enterprises unsound and unscientific, difficult to feedback and
improve management performance and financial situation of
the private enterprises systematically, and difficult to control
and performance the entire value chain of the enterprises.
Performance evaluation has significant influence on private
enterprises to improve the independent innovation capability,
but the research of private enterprises’ performance evaluation
based on the independent innovation capability improve is still
in blank state, private enterprises need to establish a
performance evaluation system to improve the independent
innovation capability, and it is important and far-reaching to
study intensively in this areas.