The study of the development of media for the knowledge. This is descriptive study. Which have the objective of developing innovative learning media to educate to diabetic patients, those risks for diabetes mellitus and smoker that the harm and danger of the smoking to diabetes mellitus patient. And to study the comments and satisfaction of user innovation have medical staff 12 people include the doctor 1 person, nurse 2 people which they work at primary care unit Phralub sub-district, public health staff 8 people at Phralub municipality, village volunteer officials 2 people at Nongpho Moo11, Phralub sub-district, Muang district, Khon Kean province and innovation user: those with risk factors for diabetes mellitus, diabetic mellitus patients and all smokers 13 people use the innovation which develop from the inclusion criteria. Action on 16 October to 3 December 2014 which have the operating study procedures after evaluated by experts such as teacher of the nurse and nurse follow:
1. A written request to collect information at Nongpho Moo11, Phralub sub-district, Muang district, Khon Kean province and explain the purpose to primary care unit authorities and village chief of the Phralub sub - district for cooperation in the activity.
2. Survey the risk group of diabetes mellitus patients, diabetes mellitus patients which have the smoker in the family then selected the samples was according to the criteria.
3. Ask for cooperation; explain the purpose of the project and the rights of the samples by Signed consent to participate in this project, including telling the role of the project and duration of the activity.
4. Bring replica of the innovation to send the samples of this project for evaluation of satisfaction and develop before make the real innovation.
5. Bring the innovation present to the samples, nurse, public health staff and village volunteer officials.
6. Evaluation of the opinion and satisfaction of the samples and nurse to the ‘Magic robot for healthier DM patient’ by the evaluation tool to use the invention include 2 series.
The first series ; Assessment of knowledge and perceives to prevent exposure the tobacco smoke. Include 4 parts follow, Part 1 general information and history of exposure the tobacco smoke, part 2 perceived harms and dangers of smoking, part 3 perceived risk and severity about smoke to diabetic patients, part 4 perceived about the barrier to stop the smoking / avoid to exposure the tobacco smoke and part 5 perceived the advantage to decrease of exposure the tobacco smoke. The second series ; satisfaction of innovation for healthcare professionals and the third series; satisfaction of innovation for the patients which include 2 parts ; part 1 general information and part 2 the evaluation / satisfaction of innovation.
The result of the study was analyzed by percent arithmetic average and the standard deviation found that the samples gain more the knowledge after used the innovation for instruction media because the innovations that make clearly the picture about smoking affects to peoples with diabetes or the risk person of diabetes. And it can show about harms of direct smoking. Mostly of nurses satisfy in good level because the innovation can be applied practically, strength, durability, safety and it can make clearly about harms of direct smoking. It conforms to the objective of studying. They suggest about the Magic Robot for Healthier DM patients are the content that media should be used in the short term, compact and with a main ideas and used language easy to understand and compliance.
The Magic Robot for Healthier DM patients use for the instruction media to give information about effect of the smoke to diabetic patients, the risk person of diabetes or smoker. The medical staffs can use it to teaching and the sample or the peoples can read it by them self. It is appropriately for the peoples who want to know about relationship between smoke and diabetic mellitus in the community. In the future we want to develop it if there is time to do this project. Power button is pressed; it will be added to each organ with the organ sound when hitting each organ. Then it is said that knowledge and the relationship of smoking to the organ itself. So those interested can learn on their own, without the guiding from medical staffs.