The cognitive tuning theory suggests how an individual interprets their
environment is based on their perception of it. These interpretations then influence the
way the individual think and have an effect on cognitive task performance. Zhu and
Kuschel, Forster, and Denzler (2010) and Friedman and Forster (2005) have a
related theory to that of elaboration through the access to higher order thinking. They
showed that approach motivation helps increase access to higher order representations
while avoidance motivation leads to more of a focus on immediate features and decreases
access to higher order structures. The higher order information includes contextual
information and structural relations for organization. When looking for creative solutions,
it is important to go beyond the provided information and to use higher order information
to find new solutions. An individual is then able to find new or uncommon solutions that EFFECT OF COLOR 8"
may not have been apparent from the provided information. Different colors are then able
to influence performance on detail-oriented or creative tasks by introducing one of the
achievement motivations.