Although the left eye twitching bad luck or good luck superstitions might make for a good reading, there is a scientific reason behind left eye twitching. Involuntary eye twitching also referred to as eye muscle spasm can be attributed to a eye problem known as blepharospasm. The condition is actually caused by uncontrollable contractions of the muscles around the eyelids. This chronic, uncontrollable blinking of the eyes is the result of dry eyes, conjunctivitis or light sensitivity. In addition to this there are many brain or neurological disorders like epilepsy, Parkinson’s disease, Tourette syndrome or certain eye allergies and injuries. Eye twitches can also be caused by certain conditions such as stress, air pollution, strained eyes or fatigue. If it is an extreme condition you need to consult a doctor who might prescribe oral medications or certain eye drops. In an extreme case, myectomy or surgery for treating blinking eyes may have to be performed to cure the excessive twitching of the eyes. However, general twitching in the eyes can be cured with plenty of rest and cutting down on certain things like smoking, caffeine or alcohol. Eye twitching, eyelid tics and spasms are pretty common. Usually only the bottom lid of one eye is involved, but the top eyelid also can twitch. Most eye twitches come and go, although they can last for weeks or even months.