It is another type of friction damper and due to ease to installation, is one of the most widely used damper in structures( Warn,2004). PVD damper can be used to create necessary damping for flexible structures, such as bending steel frame or to provide effective damping to relative stiffness of structures(Naeim,1995). PVD damper is designed to installation where displacement can generate necessary damping such as installation of metal skeleton brace or concrete moment frame.
The first building which was designed by Iranian designer and by using PVD damper of Robinson company and it was a building with private owner in and with 164/5 squares meters area and it will be built in 6 floors. This building is located in Rey. The floor is about 112 square meters. And its main skeleton is a type of steel and screws and nuts type. In this building, the retrofitting new technology is used for earthquake called seismic dampers system. The numbers of PVD dampers are 12 damper of 100 KN. Another high-rise building was designed in northern Tehran with 19 dampers of 350, 600, 850 KN PVD of Robinson company by another designer which are in ordering stage.