For our purposes, we used two columns for each time
point (i.e., 1 month, 3 months, 5 months) and asked for a
24-hour recall and a 7-day recall. After the 3-month set
of calls, the RAs met with the researcher and adjusted
the list of questions. With experience, they found easier
ways to ask questions; discovered asking about soothers
and who was feeding the baby were pointless questions
offering little insight into the feeding categories, whereas,
asking about pumping and what mothers did with pumped
milk was a useful question; and they needed some guidance
for how much a feeding supplement was used for replacement
at each age (e.g., 5 month old babies take
about 100 mls. per feed so a top up of 25 mls. would be
about a 25% replacement).
For our purposes, we used two columns for each time
point (i.e., 1 month, 3 months, 5 months) and asked for a
24-hour recall and a 7-day recall. After the 3-month set
of calls, the RAs met with the researcher and adjusted
the list of questions. With experience, they found easier
ways to ask questions; discovered asking about soothers
and who was feeding the baby were pointless questions
offering little insight into the feeding categories, whereas,
asking about pumping and what mothers did with pumped
milk was a useful question; and they needed some guidance
for how much a feeding supplement was used for replacement
at each age (e.g., 5 month old babies take
about 100 mls. per feed so a top up of 25 mls. would be
about a 25% replacement).
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