In conclusion, a close examination of these results point that Turkish EFL teachers recognize
the pedagogical value of using games in their classrooms and agree that while teaching the grammar
rules explicitly is still important, using games as a form of instruction is also beneficial. Similarly, the
participants express that using games is effective in grammar teaching especially for young learners.
Finally, results of this study further show that although a great majority of the participiants favours the
effectiveness of using games in grammar teaching, they do not use games as frequently as expected.
Most of the participiants express that this is because of the crowded classroom environments and the
heavy load of the curriculum. With accurate planning and information passed onto the teachers, this
problem should be dealt with to secure the benefits of games in the foreign language classroom.
Lastly, in coursebooks and materials, the use of games can be emphasized and by presenting
alternative games, foreign language teaching can be enriched so that primary school students enjoy
learning English in a robust manner.