Relations between organizational commitment and demographic factors: a research in banking sector
Nizamettin Dogar, PhD.Colonel (GS)
Military Attache of the Republic of Turkey in Albania
Aim of this research is to answer if organizational commitment changes according to demografic factors. Inputs gained from 200 person sample group from banking sector. According to the analysis it is found that affective and continuance commitment increases with age and job experience, and all componenets of commitment increase according to time in the last job. With the results derived from analysis, research’s support to organizational theory is discussed and some advices put forward.
Keywords: Organisational commitment; affective commitment; continuance commitment; normative commitment; demografic factors.
One of the most important problems in workplace is unhappiness of workers from their workplace and their works. For that reason, to sustain worker’s happiness is one of the priorities of employers. Worker’s happiness to productivitiy. In that perspective, organizational commitment that is acceptance of organization’s objectives and willingness to stay in the organization is came forth and became important. Additionally, it is absolute that organizations that want to survive, it is an obligation to give importance to organizational commitment since growing effect of globalization, smalling world, eliminating the borders of nations for economic and treaty issues.
Theory background of Organizational Commitment
Organisational commitment for an individual is to accept the goals and values of an organisation, to spend effort to reach these goals and to wish to continue to be a member of the organisation. Organizational Commitment is a versatile consept that its different perspectives discussed (Mathews & Shepherd, 2002). Morrow emphasizes that there are more than 25 descriptions for organizational commitment (Oliver, 1990, p.10). As for the descriptions, even if there is consensus on organizational commitment is a direct relation between organization and worker, there are different perspectives about structure and evaluation of this relation. According to Mathews and Shepherd, “individuals having high commitment are the persons strongly believes the organization’s objectives and aims, working hard for the sake of organization and willingness to be a member and part of organization” (p.369). As it is observed organizational commitment is acceptance of organizational process by workers. Grusky says organizational commitment is the strength of affinity of worker to the
104 Academicus - International Scientific Journal
organization while Mowday describe strong emotions of workers in order to stay
in the organization as well as believing organizations objectives and effort to achieve
them. Commitment is important for the organizational performance since it effects
productivity, labor force turnover ratio, performance changes and idea for leaving
from job.