1. Monitor Access control - Visitors, contractors and vehicle parked or entering base
2. Unauthorised personnel found in office or base area
3. Information Access
1) On the right to challenge unknown or suspiciously behaving people.
2) How to identify if the person is unauthorized to enter base premise - not accompanied by
someone you recognize, not wearing appropriate identification, have an appearance that is inconsistent with the workplace dress code, seem lost are asking for direction for specific areas.
3) What to do - Not to approach the person if felt threatened, maintain safe distance between
oneself and the person you are challenging, if the individual becomes threatening, abusive, or
violent, back off and wait for security and/or base manager to arrive.
4) Who to inform - Base Manager/ Base Foreman/ HSEQ Officer/LBN Security guard and
police if required.
5) Reminded personnel not to leave any confidential documents left unattended on the printer
- example of documents: personal details. quotations and any HR related documents.