“Share more – Develop less” – the development of a sharing and collaboration culture. It is about the exchange
of applications among city authorities, the creation of communities of non-trading solutions, sharing and
exchanging application software. This goes together with the use of free open source software. If existing free
software and applications are not available, the closest solution is the cloud.
2. “Look forward” – the development of a forward thinking culture and a medium to long-term perspective. It is
about understanding long-term, like 10 years horizon of events, watch and monitor what other communities do
and learning from each other. This includes also sustainability strategy revision.
3. “Spend less” – it is about low-costs solutions. The standardization of solutions will accelerate technology
diffusion and learning curves as city administrations become of their added value.
4. City authorities have to become aware of a number of existing methods for involving the users. The existence of
a new technology stack of “cloud-IoT-linked data” does not guarantee the development of a new service based
on these technologies. The recommendation is to promote a more proactive role of end users and citizens in
services innovation.
The cloud computing model enables governments to realize financial, service delivery and operation benefits. It
helps governments become “smarter” by gathering data about a city’s environment, communicating essential
information with other government entities and correlating situational events with historical data. Table 2 highlights
potential values of deploying Smarter City solutions on the cloud computing model (Hobson & Naccarati, 2011).