marl with variations of thickness 14 to 291 m. It is waterproof level between the aquifers of the Quaternary and
deep aquifers that start charging.
The Aalenian is predominantly limestone-marl limestone with thickness variations with depth roof varies
from a few meters to 471 m (Figure 3, Figure 4, Figures 6-8). The Toarcian marly limestone is dominant and
usually quite thick marl (up to 300 m thick on average). It is the bedrock (waterproof) of Aalenien and start
charging the land underlying Domerian (Figure 3, Figure 7, Figure 8). The Domerian is limestone and marllimestone
and is a very important aquifer, its depth is variable from one sector to another, it gradually decreases
along outcrops and reaches its maximum at the center of 1015 m basin and in the south about 10 to 30 m, then