RHCEis closely linked toRHDand have a high level of homology and the RhD and RhCcEe proteins differ by only 32–35 amino acids. TheRHCECCgenotype frequency was significantly lower in our population when compared to the population from Japan. TheRHCECallele was 57%, lower than expected in the Japan descendants (RhC antigen frequency is 93% in Asian). We analyzed the descendants that had declared their parents and grand- parents to be from Japan (N= 119; denominateJB) sepa- rated from those that had declared that one or two of them had other ethnic origin (N= 90; denominateMJB). Statistical difference was observed when we compared theMJBwith the Japanese:RHCECCwas 24% (lower than Japanese) andRHCEccwas 22% (higher), and forJB, differ- ence was not observed (dates not shown).