Your are now the person replying to your (General Request Inquiry letter)
The details of the (General Request Inquiry Letter) are in blue at the bottom.
You have the example jpeg but you need to take the information from the details sent in the email from St Anthony’s so please pay close attention to detail in your reply and answer all the questions or queries as they are sometimes called that the customer has asked you.
The reply to general is as follows the prices quoted in the catalogue have gone up in price which you are sorry to inform the customer. The products are the same as in the new catalogue but there has been a price increase across the board that means everything has a slight increase in price. Prices were not mentioned in the General Letter by the customer but you were asked to give a quotation for the full job including labour costs. So give an apology for the slight price and crease and add the costs for him. I would use bullet points in the body in the part where you will break down prices for him.
So let’s just say that again. The body text will need the information explanation that prices have increased and bullet points finally with a break down in total cost with maybe a line under the bullet points with the total price. I will leave that up to you then your closing paragraph etc