The RWCC has been widely used to assess coping in
patients with chronic illnesses (Redeker 1992, Lee, unpublished
data). Cronbach’s alphas ranged from 0Æ64 to 0Æ88 for
the total score, with the reliability of subscales ranging from
0Æ69 to 0Æ91 (Redeker 1992, Lee, unpublished data). The
Chinese version of the RWCC (C-RWCC), used in cardiac
populations in Taiwan (Hu 1992, Sheu 2000), has demonstrated
good psychometric properties, with content validity:
a = 0Æ90 and internal reliability: a = 0Æ80 (problem-focused
coping = 0Æ79, emotion-focused coping = 0Æ67).